Norman, Saxon, Viking. To some , these are just names in a history book, their lives and impact on our shared history are simple facts that are memorized and then forgotten after an important test. Yet their impact on our heritage and imagination is profound, from the language we speak to the stories we pass down to our children.
Historical re-enactment provides a way for people to take history from out of the books and into their hands. Many of our members take up a traditional trade, such as tailoring, smithing, and leather craft, to help them connect with those who came before us. The skills they learn, lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation for the craft which we then pass on to the public.
Don't let the crafting side of the hobby daunt your enthusiasm for the subject. Re-enactment is more than just crafting and combats, it's also about finding yourself surrounded by a community of people who share your interests. Many re-enactors make life-long friends in their societies that extends well beyond the scope of this unique hobby.
Sound like something you might be interested in? Drop us a line!